WordPress Plugin Tweak Needed

I need someone to help me to tweak the custom plugin I have.
Basically the problem is that when you put a code in Edit Post in Visual section, it changes the HTML code. It replaces to and removes . Also when you switch between Visual and HTML sections some strange breaks are happening. The plugin itself is loading a premade CSS formatted text, but WordPress is changing some of the HTML elements so the formatting is not accurate after saving. I’m looking for a person to fix it.

Here is what I want: http://tinyurl.com/2w63ljz

And here is what I get after doing it in WordPress: http://tinyurl.com/2vrkb55

Bid only if you know how to fix this problem and have a lot of experience in wordpress, tinymce and plugin development in worpress. In reply show me some work you did for wordpress.

I need it done in 24h. ASAP!

My budget is $30.

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