Locate Urls For 13000 Product Images

We have an excel sheet shared in google documents. The excel sheet contains 13,000 boat related products. Each product has a long product name, manufacturer and manufacturer code attached to it.

I need some one to scavenge URL’s for each products picture and paste the URL into the excel sheet. Each image will need to be verified by seeing that the manufactures name and model number is present on the page that the image is being pulled from. Next each URL will also need to end with a picture extension, .gif .jpg etc, dynamic pictures wont be of any use. An lastly each image cannot have a water mark. I will need also the URL of the webpage that contained the image.

Most of the product will be fairly easy to find but in the case of hard to find images I will allow up to 15% of the products to not be found and still consider the project complete.

I am will pay 1/4 of as each 1/4 of the project is complete. We require 25 products to be completed for a quality test before any down payment is made.

Lastly I will require the excel sheet which is shared at google documents to be updated during the project so I can view the progress.

*** DO NOT BID $100 and 2 DAYS! *** This is a detailed project that will probably take an individual at least 4 weeks or longer to complete.

Our site is boatersplus.com


Chris Edwards

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