Need Php Script

I need a php script that will do the following:

1. Allow me to load a list of url and determine if they are running PHP Link Directory script which has a submit.php page. If it does the URL should be marked NO

2. If it has the submit.php page I want it to look for a Free No Recipricol Link Option. If it does not the URL should be marked NO

3. It has a submit.php page and a free no recipricol link option it should look to see if the page requires a captcha of some sort. If it does the URL should be labeled NO.

4. If the URL has all these options the URL should be labeled YES.

Basically this script should be able to sort out from a list of up to 20,000 URL’s if the URL’s in the list are PHPLD sites with a submit.php page, free no recipricol link option and captchaless. Those are the sites I am looking for. If it doesn’t meet these criteria I want the URL labelled NO so I can eliminate them from my list.

The script should be as fast and thorough as possible.

I would like the output of the script to be a CSV that can be downloaded.

Payment will be made once I am able to determine that the script actually works. I will check this by submitting a list of known sites to it and I should be able to see it accurately sort out the list.

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