Four Pages Essay Needed

Hello I need done ASAP (max 12 hours since the moment of choosing a writter) a 4 pages word essay about constructivism in international relations

You can find more details here:

I’d also like something about Alexander Wendt (Social Theory of International Politics) is the best-known constructivist scholar and the idea that constructivism oppose to the idea of neoliberalism ..and what neoliberalism is

— IF you can be written in romanian is better oterwise write it in english and I’ll translate it
— Needs to be original work don’t just copy one-2 paragraphs from one article 2 more from others … Write as much as you can about constructivism and then start writing your own view
— Don’t forget the bibiliography… I need that too.
— To increase your chances of beeing accepted you can start writing the introduction (sample) and send it to me.. If Im happy with thr work I will award the project to you and continue

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