Score Java Program


The file must be called <> (driver program) (Homework Scores file)

Example: (driver program) is required for the HWScore file

Ensure you include ALL files required to make your program compile and run.
I would like to see your .java files only.

Proper coding conventions required the first letter of the class start with a capital letter and the first letter of each additional word start with a capital letter.

Overall Requirements

Provide a complete program that handles the entry and display of homework scores. As part of your program, provide a HwScore class that contains the points earned on a particular homework and also the maximum possible points on that homework. In order to keep track of the overall average, the HwScore class also contains the total points earned on all homework combined and the total possible points on all homework combined. In order to determine letter grades, the HwScore class specifies cutoff values for the A, B, C, and D letter grades.

More specifically, the HwScore class should contain these constants and variables:

Named constants for the letter grade cutoffs: A = 0.9, B = 0.8, C = 0.7, D = 0.6
Class variables named totalEarnedPoints and totalPossiblePoints
Instance variables named earnedPoints and possiblePoints

Provide a main driver method. It should:

Instantiate four HwScore objects and store them in the variables hw1, hw2, hw3, and hw4. In the instantiations, initialize the objects to these values:
hw1: 26.5 earned points, 30 possible points
hw2: 29 earned points, 27.5 possible points
hw3: 0 earned points, 20 possible points
hw4: 16 earned points, 20 possible points
For hw1, hw2, and hw3 (but not hw4), call printGrade.
Call printOverallGrade.

Within your HwScore class, include these requirements:

The HwScore class should contain a two-parameter constructor that handles initializations for the earnedPoints and possiblePoints instance variables.

Implement a printGrade method that prints a particular homework’s earned points, possible points, and letter grade. The letter grade is based on this scale: A ³ 90%, B ³ 80%, C ³ 70%, D ³ 60%, F < 60%.

Implement a class method named printOverallGrade that prints the overall earned points, overall possible points, and overall letter grade.

Use appropriate modifiers for methods. The modifiers we’ve discussed so far are private, public, and static. Use helping methods when appropriate.

As always, you should:

· Limit your use of class variables and instance variables – only use them if appropriate.

· Use appropriate modifiers for your methods. The modifiers we’ve discussed are private, public, static, and final.

· Use helper methods if appropriate.

Mimic the sample session precisely. In particular, note the window’s title, the prompt text, the result-message text, and the button labels.

Upload your page to the Dropbox.

NOTE: Complete your activity and submit it to the Dropbox in eCollege.

Total Points

Sample Session:

On this homework, you earned 26.5 out of 30.0 possible points: B
On this homework, you earned 29.0 out of 27.5 possible points: A
On this homework, you earned 0.0 out of 20.0 possible points: F
On all homework, you earned 71.5 out of 97.5 possible points: C

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