Virtual Travel Communty For Disabled People

The project compromises to build a virtual travel community for disabled people. This means building the whole website/community from the scratch.

The following features have to be included.
A forum and chat for community members to exchange with each other.
One area of the page will be a site where different airlines can be rated and commented on by the users according to friendliness for disabled people. Also one site where information can easily collected by members, including upload function to upload schedules for example or manually inputs. Another site shall be dedicated to compare different private companies offering rental cars and transportation.
In addition one site shall be integrate accommodation reservation websites( like in an interface blocking out not disabled friendly hostels/hotels.
One community site should enable on a nice interactive map where people can click on and get information about sights, attractions and sports at different location around the world. Also the possibility must exist for people to add new activities and locations.
Another will be to form groups of travellers, so people can create travel groups joing them and, accept new travelers, define destinations and so on.Hereby users can access user profiles of other users and exchange information. Another site shall compare differnt travel issurance companies so useres can rate them and leave comments. The same shall be offered for travel agencies.

The community should be flashy and userfriendly. If open source elements exists that coul be integrated, I dont mind.

The budget has a maximum of 3000 dollars. I would like to know how much programming time(hours) that would most probably take and approximation about the costs of the whole project.

Thanks in advance.


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