WordPress Blogs Mods

1. I need to make some modifications to the blogs (5)using the rss2blog that I have installed so that the feeds begin automatically showing on my blogs

I would like the feeds to show up just like they are on riotimes.com

I want the top stories section

You see how at the at the bottom show in a list of links divided by category.

and then also on the right where there is an image and then a short synopsis and it send you to the original source.

3. I want the articles first three to come up like my blog posts an to cut off at the mid-way point or shop off the last paragraph and then to say

To read the rest of the article. Click Here

The purpose of this is to send traffic back to the original source of the material.

If the price is good, we can get started asap. An example of one of my blogs is tablet*community.com delete the * all the blogs have the same design.

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