Member Profile

The following project is for a php 1) member online photo grid and
a 2) universal members profile page which uses PHP to call on an existing MySQL database to get the appropriate member data. It should be one file on the server that renders every member according to which member is being requested to display on the page.

General Info and Requirements
1)The member management script which I am using is SITELOK They have a pdf manual with all the DB table fields and code snippets for displaying user data;
2)Access to this information will be available during the members onine session. Non-members will only be able to view the members online photo grid.
3)The script should allow for the editing of database setting (see below) and other required settings, using a text editor, for use on multiple websites.

$DbHost=”localhost”; // Database host
$DbName=”dbname”; // Database name
$DbUser=”username”; // Database username
$DbPassword=”password”; // Database user password

4)The script(s) should be in separate files and accessed with an “include” command.

“Member’s online” photo grid Requirements
1)Display member’s online thumbnail images, first name ($slfirstname), city/state in a grid of x columns across and upto x rows down (x is admin defined). This can be placed anywhere on the website using an “include” command (see 3 in general info and req)
2)Total members and members currently online will be displayed at the bottom of the photo grid.
3)Logged in members to the website can view all members images, first name, city/state by clicking “view all” (in a grid of x columns across and upto x rows down (x is admin defined))
4)Logged in members to the website can view member profiles by clicking on the members photo.

Universal members profile page Requirements
1)The universal members page will include the following information
a.$slcustom1 (image)
c.$slcustom2 (city)
d.$slcustom3 (state)
e.$slcustom (4-15)

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