Web Page Design And Setup – Also Db Setup

I’m looking for a single web page for users to register their name, and email, for a contest. There should also be a field to enter a promotional code. We will provide a valid code.

This will be to give away an iPad, so there should be a picture/pictures showing an iPad. Prefer to also include pics that would be associated to someone winning something.

Database needs to store email, person’s name, ip address, boolean field whether or not entry is free (see purchase option below). Primary key needs to be an ascending integer. We will take the highest record ID, build an RNG, and determine who the winner is.

There also needs to be an area for us to add text displaying rules, and information, regarding this giveaway.

There needs to be fields to allow the user to purchase additional entries, $1 each, via PayPal. We will supply the PayPal account so integration can be built in.

Purchased entries will be stored with other entries, given their own record ID, and reflect they are purchased entries via boolean field described above.

Popup should stop user from submitting more than 1 free entry from a single email address.

Delivery includes full QA testing and up to 1 year of defect correction.

Project includes setup/configuration and verification of site being fully functional, on our host; GoDaddy. Server is Windows based.

Upon payment in full we will own and code, trademarks, or licenses involved.

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