Blog Poster / Blogger 2


I need a couple of people to do blog posting for me.

All the content is supplied, either in an email newsletter or on client websites.

You will need to
* have experience blogging with wordpress,
* be able to work out keywords,
* find the right blog to put the information on,
* insert images,
* and set the alt and title tags, add Title, Description, keywords and tags to the post
* SEO for blogging

PLEASE if you don’t have good experience doing this, then don’t reply. I really don’t have time to teach someone how to do this, I just need you to know how this should be done. Of course I will give guidance as required lol.

This will need to be done inside my WPMU site – not from any desktop or remote publishing programs.

I run a wpmu site with 100 blogs. You will need to find the right blog for the content – but it’s just a matter of doing a quick search for the client name.

Mostly the updates are in emails in my gmail account that you’ll have access to. One email per client – so it’s easy to work out. In Gmail you’ll need to label which update you are working on, as there will be more than one person doing this.

This is ongoing work, as I said I have 100 clients on that site, and am about to roll out more sites with even more clients.

Please bid PER BLOG POST. You will probs be doing 5-10 posts at a time.

Please quote “Pinky” to be considered for this project, if you don’t you wont be accepted regardless of price or reputation.

Plus, I really don’t want my PMB filled up with cut & paste responses, please type something specific to this project.

Once you place your bid, please don’t go offline – I want to choose a couple of people who can get started right away, so I’ll want to chat to you and get to know you.



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