Classified Ads Php Script. Need Extra Search Fields

I have a php classified ads script with existing search features.
This script has the ability to create extra fields. The extra fields when created are searchable on the advanced search page.

However, I need to place these extra fields over the table of results that have already been searched. Users can select these extra fields to filter the already existing results. The extra fields are either text fields, or drop downs.

For example, I place “City” and “State” fields over the results page table.

If you selected “state” and chose California, it would refresh this page, but it will return results from all ads in California only.

If you selected “Los Angeles” for the City, and “California” for the state, it will refine the search and display all results from Los Angeles California only.

Let’s say there was a third field called “color”, and you selected blue+los angeles+california, it would return results only from los angeles, california with blue.

If you selected california+blue, but not city, it would return all blue results from all cities in California.

The ability to search these extra fields already exists, but I need them to function on another page. It would be equivalent to having a “quick search” box on the front page of a dating site.

This should be a fairly simple job for an experienced coder.

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