Extend The Geo-places Theme From Templatic

I need some extensions to the geo-places theme from templatic.com.

What i wan’t to have :

I need to show a thumbnail instead of a marker for each place, like from http://sepiatown.com/

I need a page-template to create a landing-page like http://mycitylives.com/

Geo-Places must be implemented as custom-post-type so it’s possible to use the default posts and pages.

I need as new design a full implementation of this html-template http://themeforest.net/item/studio-box-premium-css-html-8-in-1/87977

Change the current translation functions to the default wordpress translation with __ and _e

Detect if qtranslate is installed. If so add special CSS to display the qtranslate flag-selection at the top right.

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