Joomla Template Needed (3 Times)


Again posting this because SL cancelled this porject, so sorry if you made a bid already, please do this again!

We need a simple Joomla template which is used 3 times with diffrent logo’s and each has his own unique color. Design must be professional but also very simpel.

This template must be as follows:


1 Header (with 2 module positions, one for tekst and one used for search)
3 columns (left – 1 modules position, Main – 2 top modules position and 2 bottom modules position, right – 1 modules position)
1 Footer ((with 2 module positions)

Inside the header the Name and the logo are placed.

This template will be used for 3 different websites which all have the same company style but only uses different color setting. The template MUST be 100% equal for all 3 only a color difference.

This is a family company which uses 2 different names and 1 template is used to hire a holiday home. All 3 templates are equal (only color difference).

You make a bid with some examples and how you work. Please only related examples!

ONLY designers/builders with good reviews are selected, no reviews on SL? please DON’T bid.

We will provide full access to a development environment which will be configured with data, menus, modules and componenten so the template can be installed and tested directly.

Full escrow will be made and released after completion of preoject

Some examples are included which can be used as styles which we like.

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