WordPress Website

I need an expert programmer who is creative with WordPress and can design a website with both smooth functionality and an artistic flair. I wish to have an existing site that I own (originally created 10 years ago in Microsoft Front Page) converted into Word Press. The existing site is www.LakesideBeachHouse.com and will keep the same domain name. The Designer may use a standard WP Theme. It is preferred to have a photo slide show on the home page. Some Flash would also be nice. Graphical Tabs for the web pages would be nice if it does not detract from the overall look.
The selected designer will have the freedom to suggest format, layout, copy and content modifications that are best suited to make the site function in the best way possible with emphasis on the following attributes:
SEO optimized (I will provide a list of Keywords) with several plug-ins.
Clear navigation to: Descriptions and photos of each cottage; rates and availability; Pay Pal integration as currently provided. All pages currently on the site should be included.
The look and feel of the new site should reflect the fact that the site is marketing two Summer Vacation Cottages near a large (ocean like) Lake. Families normally rent one or both cottages for a week during the summer months and on weekends other times of the year. The website should have a bright, fun, relaxed expression to put the site visitor in a mood that reflects lazy Summer days at the beach.
The cottages are clean with modern amenities but are nearly 70 years old. Summer temperatures reach 90 degrees F. in the summer. The cottages are located in Southwest Michigan USA swimming pool is the
Site will be hosted by JustHost where it is currently hosted. Additional vacation Rental Properties can be found at www.Michigan.org and on the local Chamber of Commerce website www.HarborCountry.org
The existing Logo can be used but a new fresh one would be preferred.
Photos will be provided in JPEG format. Some Photoshop work may be required since photo quality is no better than what you see on the website.
Only candidates with a portfolio need apply.

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