Website For Home Remodeling Company

I need a website done ASAP. Bidders must be able to both design and develop this fully functional 20 page website. It will be modeled after another website. The website is for a home construction and remodeling company and the website will be basic HTML with some simple Flash elements for the photo gallery.

Please show me a portfolio of websites you have already created.

The first step for the winning bidder will be to provide a mockup of the homepage. The mockup will be required immediately after being hired for the project. I will need it within 1 day… 2 days at the most.

I will provide the website to be modeled and also all articles and text content.

The website should be SEO friendly. (You will not be required to do any SEO work.)

You should provide all graphic design elements of the site, including any photo elements that might enhance the site.

I will provide you with photos for the photo gallery.

This should be a quick and easy job for someone experienced in website creation. Also, you should have a good designer’s taste to make a fantastic looking website, but also make the website function perfectly. Also, you should be a very fast and responsive communicator, always keeping me updated on the status of the project on a daily basis. If you can do these things, please make your bid. I may have more website projects for you after this. Good luck!

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