I realize there are a few membership/content dripping scripts out there, but I need something a lot simpler.
I’m looing for a simple WordPress plugin to be written that would allow me to display certain posts and pages only after someone has been subscriber for x number of days.
So for example:
Subscription Day 1 = This Really Cool Post
Subscription Day 4 = Another Awesome Post
Subscription Day 7 = A Post About My Secret Ninja Tool
and so on.
This function should be able to be turned on and off on a post/page’s composing screen.
If the function is activated on a page/post, then the “Publish Date” function should be disabled for that post/page and re-enabled if this “Display By Subscription Date” function is turned off.
I will be using an existing membership script (S2Member) to handle the access side of things, I just need a simple plugin to display posts based on how long their account has been active.
Needless to say, these scheduled posts/pages should only be seen if the subscriber is logged into WordPress and if possible not included in any WP-generated RSS feeds, unless the subscribers has been a member for the appropriate time.