Need Some Help Qucik Pick


#1 theres one file that causing hostin gcompany to http 500 my site when it runs too many processes ithey say its not closing the script. ths is the bid butler file, now i need this file optimized and i also want to make some dynamic changes to how the bid butlers bid I will explain this in full if i pick you
2.I need a cash out variation where as when adding a auction ther will be a option like the buy it now that adds a image (set in admin panel like watermark) which will appear somewhere on auction display in a corner or by bid button somewhere (have to figure this out) anywasy it’s a item or cash option for buyer so if they win the auction after the accept the auction or while accepting the auction they can click a button that will do a cpl things number one instantly mark item as paid notify admin of selection of cash out option, amount to be paid to user this is the same as the amount that would have been paid to the admin minus any shipping etc. of course since nothing is to be shipped, the admin would then do the rest and be able to mark it as paid , delete it, edit it, and notify user of payment –trigger email to user…

3.I need the shopping cart and auction script to share the same databaseSingle registration process

4.I need to be able to sell bidpacks in shopping cart and have them credit to site after purchased(reason I am using cart for gift certificates) can be used to buy bidpacks anything in store this is built into cart

5. need like a credit cards rewards system where as when a user buys a bidpack or pays for a auction they will receive X amount of points configured via admin for wining and paying auctions and another X setting for bidpacks

— these points wil be redemmed for gift certificates from the store or bidpacks etc. they will work like cash so 1 point equals 1 dollar And this is to tie into the cash out optionhave cash out included exchange for rewards points I actually even bought this basic rewards point script haven’t tried it yet but you may be able to use it same some work if your lucky also all of the options in relation to points = dollars and how many point per item maybe some sort of calculatiuon of amunt percentile =’s points conversion

5.I want this done quick and right
I will not tolerate sloppy coding and i will be checking thew coding as you go. Weve put alot of work into this auction so we want to keep it right. Everything works except the one issue noted above please dont mess anything up..

6.I expect you to comment everything you add and make backups as you go

7.!!note this script has encoded files that you will not need to modify so dont even ask for a unencoded set we can not provide them to you.
Please dont piss off the software company by attempting to install on your local server as its license is track every freaking second of every minute and if any domain other than the one thats licensed for it shows up they get pissed call your host and get all huffy and puffy with me as its tagged as being from me, so youll work on my server only…

should be a fairly simple job bid acordingly cheapest competent bidder will get the project clsing in 24hrs

Now you have read all that go do it come back and let me know you have done and fully understand each point and what is needed and that you are capable of doing so tired of hiring people that say they are good to do it then tell me after wasting 10days of my time that they are not capable of doing it. soplease read understand and comply on each point. your reply should look something like this

I looked everything over
1. confirmed understand how to fix
2. confirmed understand how to fix
3. confirmed understand how to fix

if theres a issue
4. confirmed not sure how to fix or cannot fix dont know how etc.
5.confirmed understand how to fix
6.confirmed not sure may be able to fix
7.confirmed understand how to fix
8.confirmed understand how to fix
9.confirmed understand how to fix

and well if you cant do them all i still may consider you for what you can do

now most of these are small fixes a cpl majors but I am not going to spend more than 150$ for everything if thats the case i may wish to modify project and not include most of it, just a cpl minor but necessary items. as the rest is simply for customer convience and ease of use and im already heavily invested so its not a priority at this point, feeel free to submit a item by item price as well
1. 15

as noted theres some must haves and some luxuries so Ill pick whoever offers the most for a fair price if i cant get it all ill pick someone who offeres the lowest per item price most likely….

happy bidding

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