I have a script for image processing (download from other servers, rename them and resize them).
The corrections which shall be made are:
The list of links with the new names shall be accessed from the folder in which the script is, it shall be a .txt file – one link per row tab seperated data – first link and after the tab seperation the new name.
After the image was processed the corresponding link and name shall be deleted from the .txt file.
If the script for which ever reason hangs it shall not stop, it shall restart itself from and process the rest of the .txt file.
It shall check if all of the images has been processed and if it gets a postive answer it shall write a new file – comletion_log in which shall stand how many images has been created, how many images had errors like if the link is broken etc. and a comment that the task was completed.
It is important that all the images from the list has been processed either by image creation or error_log including (broken link etc.) without to manually restart the script, if the restart is needed it shall be done automatically by script checking.