Php/html Register Form Changes

I need someone to make some changes to the php/HTML code on a pixel website.

You can see a demo of the script here

During the registration/buy process it gets to a screen where the user needs to enter a website link like here

If the above link does not work then go here and follow the process to buy a pixel, before you get to payment page you will see a page where you need to add
Your Web page URL and other details.

What I want to change is this:

1) Currently the form cant be submitted unless someone adds a URL in the URL box. I want this to be optional for people that dont want to add a URL there.

2) Currently there is a drop down box for http/https selection. I need this removing there should be no https.

3) The script needs to link to the url whether or not someone adds the http:// So if they just add then the link should still work.

That is the project.

You can see that an image needs to be uploaded on the previous page to the one above. Can someone tell me if its possible for this image to be grabbed from the users facebook profile picture and displayed.
If that can be done then I can either add it to this project or create a new one.

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