BMI and Body Fat Percentage calculator v1 (Calculators)

BMI and Body Fat Percentage calculator v1

The BMI and Body Fat Percentage calculator v1 was developed by Fernando Velasquez and it works not only to calculate the Body Mass Index (BMI) but also the Body Fat Percent, the Ideal Weight and the Health Risk classification. These calculations are obtained by the information provided from a person’s weight, height, age and gender. The user must fill all the input text boxes or use the sliders to get these data. The user must also choose its gender.

The calculator is very useful for those who are related to the health sciences such as nutritionists, physicians or for people who are really interested to have a healthy life… definetely, this is one of the most complete calculators around the web related to the health and now is available here.

Some of the cool features for this calculator

Length and Weight data for Imperial and Metric System

  • One of the best things for this calculator is that the user is always able to see the weight and lenght in both systems at the same time.
    I have always noticed that other BMI calculators displays the length and weight for only one specific measure system at a time.

    From my point of view, both measure systems are neccesary and useful at the same time. The result will be shown by the last unit system choosen.
    For example:

    • A patient who uses a metric system and (he/she doesn’t know the imperial system) visits a doctor who uses the imperial system by default and the doctor is not comfortable by managing the metric system. Now they are able to see the results in both systems without any external calculator or without comparing the results with a table units conversion.
    • If a user needs to know a lenght and weight in a different measure system, now it can be done by typing the data into the system he/she knows and then, the calculator will display the lenght and the weight into the other system automatically.

Validating the data

  • Other important function for this calculator is to get valid data since this calculator has been made for adult purposes.
    This calculator will not let you to write any invalid number, since there are a lot of functions used to validate all the information.
    For example:

    • For height: There is a minimum of 1.20 m / 3’11’’ and a maximum of 2.40 m / 7’10’’.
      You can change this parameters from the flash file for your needings.
    • For weight: There is a minimum of 25 kg / 55.12 lb and a maximum of 200 kg / 440.92 lb.
      You can change this parameters from the flash file for your needings.
    • For Age: A user types and age below the minimum allowed age, when the result is going to be calculated, the age will automatically set up to the minimum age. The calculations are not allowed to get results for children or teenagers since the way to calculate their results are very different from adults.

Customizable parameters from the XML file

There are several parameters that you can play with:

  • Customize the language description parameters
    Yes, you can use italian, spanish, german, portuguese, etc. without to open the flash file.
  • Use your logo or small image
    You can use your business logo or an image you like. You can also set the x and y initial position for the logo.
  • Choose different colors for the calculator skin
    You can put any color you want in order to keep your company look and feel in the same way.

Customizable parameters from Flash

There are other parameters that you can modify such as:

  • Change the values of the maximum/minimum for height, weight and age.
  • Change the design or animation as desire.
  • Actionscript is written in several layers to make the file more understandable.

I hope you can find this file useful for your purposes. It took me several weeks to create it, so I hope you like it. Have Fun and Enjoy!



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Download BMI and Body Fat Percentage calculator v1 (Calculators)

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