Coming Soon Under Construction Count Down Template (Site Templates)

You have this really great idea for a website or a client comes to you and says they need a new site, but it’s going to take a few weeks, months, or maybe even more to get the final product hosted. Meanwhile the client is breathing down your neck to get something up yesterday. You could put up an “under construction” page or a “coming soon” banner, but those flashing gifs with construction barriers are so 1999. What you need is something great; a preview of what’s coming and a timeline to when the new website or product will be launched.

The Coming Soon Under Construction Count Down Template was built to fill the gap between between getting the job and having the final site live. But it’s more than just a placeholder page because you can easily turn this micro site into a mini portfolio or product showcase with image gallery, video, and mp3 player. It also comes with an alternate mobile web page for any iPhone users that visit your site.

The nice part about this file is you won’t even need to open flash. By editing the XML file you can customize everything. The site is a 100% flash and scales to every screen resolution.

Skip the gif hard hats and flashing construction barriers and download a file today that looks expensive and professional.

4 Different modes (Gallery, Looping Background Video, Background SWF , Background Image)
Newsletter Signup
MP3 Audio Player


Download Coming Soon Under Construction Count Down Template (Site Templates)

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