Fluid XML Cinematic Intro. You can create impressive web intros for your web pages or presentation without Flash IDE Source

XML Features

1. Intro Width & Height

2. Intro Loop

3. Messages Display Time

4. Letter Delay Time Range

5. Messages FadeIn – FadeOut Effect Time

6. Main Message & Seconder Message Text Color

7. Main Message & Seconder Message Text Size

8. Main Message & Seconder Message Letter Move Speed

9. Main Message & Seconder Message Letter FadeInOut Effect Randomly

10. Main Message Add Drop Effect

11. Main Message Letter Drop Distance

12. Main Message & Seconder Message Add Blur Effect

13. Main Message & Seconder Message Blur Effect Intensity

14. Main Message & Seconder Message Add Glow Effect

15. Main Message & Seconder Message Glow Effect Intensity

16. Main Message & Seconder Message Glow Effect Strength

17. Main Message & Seconder Message Glow Effect Color

18. Add Shadow Effect To Messages

19. Front Image Zoom Out Starting Percent

20. Background Image Path

21. Messages Between Distance

22. Add Light Source Effect

23. Play Music

24. Music Load Path

25. Music Loop

26. Music Mute Button Visible

27. Particle Effect

28. Particle Creation Frequency

29. Particle Move Speed

30. Skip Intro Button Visible

31. Skip Intro Button Image Path

32. Skip Intro Button Url Link

33. Url Link Target


1. Messages Y Position

2. Messages Text

3. Front Image Load Path

4. Front Image X and Y position

5. Light Source X Position

Used business Images in preview intro have been purchased from www.bigstockphoto.com and original images are not included in the download source.

Used great music “Intense Cinematic Intro” by JSBond from Audio Jungle.
You can purchase original sound track from here.


JSBond audio jungle portfolio link:


Used background images are by Baris Intepe. You can use them your own projects.


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