Genie Effector: you can apply genie and wobble effect for display object very simply. and several ease style.
Run the GenieEffector.mxp comes with this package. The Adobe Extension Manager will take care of all installation for you. After this step, it is recommended to restart your Flash IDE . After that, you will see GenieEffector in the Components Panel. (Window – Components)
Drag “GenieEffector” component from component panel, and drop it onto an MovieClip/Button, and…that’s all!.
For more detail parameters, such as “minimize/maximize” interaction, ease style, you need config GenieEffector. GenieEffector use its own Component Inspector UI, and it’s very friendly, just select a GenieEffector component then open the “Component Inspector” panel(shift + F7, Window > Component Inspector).
- target: the DisplayObject that use genie effect. you specify it by name, such as: window_mc
- drag trigger: the InteractiveObject when you drag it, the “target” will move. you specify it by name, such as:
- minimize trigger: when you click it, the “target” will minimize and move to it, you specify it by name, such as: window_mc.mini_btn
- maximize trigger: when you click it, the “target” will maximize and move to previous position. you specify it by name, such as:
- duration: how many times(in second) the genie effect keep.
- ease:which type of ease will be use.
- grid: when you check this, the effector will draw grid lines. it’s for preview purpose.
- smooth: whether draw the bitmap smoothly.
- segmentV: how many segments the DisplayObject will be devided at Vertical when the effect was showing.
- segmentH: how many segments the DisplayObject will be devided at Horiznal.