XML banner rotator / xml slideshow with captions (Banner Rotators)

A proffessional banner which uses 6 2D transitions and unlimited 3D transitions due to 3D tweening engine. In preview you can test some 2D transitions and some of 3D transitions. More 3D transitions can be seen here:

Unlimited numbers of CAPTIONS can be set for each banner. You can set colors, alpha and many text animations for each caption. Some can be seen in preview. There are 10 premade animations for text that you can use (some like rotation are shown in preview). One intruiging feature is greyscale filter. It is possible to set strength of filter so you can get images with faded colors but are not greyscale yet.

You can change color of buttons to any color you want (fields buttonColor and buttonColorOver for over mouse color). Color is in hexadecimal format (like FFFFFF for white).

Possibilities of 3d transitions are endless and you set them all via XML file (by setting parameters transitionX, transitrionY and transitionZ). With just a few settings changed in XML file banner rotator can change to text or ad rotator as can be seen in a preview. How unique rotations you can make is probably best shown by the newspaper (can be seen in the file linked above) transition (all you have to change is transition coordinates in XML file).

You can set easings of each transition, buttons, caption animation and caption text animation via XML . You can test some combinations in preview. All easings that can be used via XML are in help file of banner rotator.

You can set whether URL opens in new or same window (via XML ).
Some more parameters of banner rotator that can be changed via XML :


– time banner is shown

– time of tween (transition time)

– exact position of banner on the stage

– color, alpha, position and font color of each text holder (XML + CSS )

– size of banner rotator

– caption easing

– caption animation

– caption delay

– caption background color

– caption background alpha

– fonts

Please note that images used in preview are NOT included in the files for download. They were bought from Fotolia for preview purposes only

My banner rotators:

Other files:

Banner rotator FAQ :

1. How to embed banner rotator to web page?

Add following code:

<object height="400" width="550">
<param name="movie" value="somefilename.swf" />
<embed src="somefilename.swf" height="400" width="550">

2. How to add banner / logotip to banner rotator?

<item imagevisible="true" tweentime="2" url="http://www.activeden.net/" greyscalefilterstrength="0" type="jpg" greyscalefilter="false" path="1.jpg" speed="10000" openin="_self" imageclickable="true" tweentimein="2" />

Caption adding is explained in help file.

Add code above to the end of XML file.

3. How to change easing of banner rotator?

– Change value of easingIn to get different easing for part of tween that shows the banner and easingOut to change the easing of tween that hides the banner. That is easing for image animation.

– Change value of easingInForButtons and easingOutForButtons to change easing of how buttons appear on stage.

– Change value of easingInForHolder and easingOutForHolder to change easings of how button holder appears on stage

– Change value of captionEasingIn to set easings of captions

– Change value of captionEasingTextAnimationEffect to change easing of split text animation

Captions are explained in help also.

4. How to change transition type of banner rotator?

Change value of transitionType to the desired transition. You have three possibilities:
blur, alpha, rotationxyz. Note that you have unlimited possibilities in rotationxyz by setting different values to transitionX, transitionY and transitionZ.

5. How to change position of banner?

Change values positionX and positionY in XML to get the exact position of banner rotator.

6. How to set show time of banner rotator.

Set parameter speed to desired length (value is in miliseconds).

7. What to do if I get error “Access of possibly undefined property rotationY”

In your flash go to file/publish settings then choose flash tag and set player in which you export your SWF ’s to 10 instead of 9.

8. How to change color of buttons?

Change field buttonColor to the color you wish buttons to be. Color is in hexadecimal format (like FFFFFF for white).

9. Need more help?

Contact me via email to get more help concerning this banner rotator.


Download XML banner rotator / xml slideshow with captions (Banner Rotators)

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