Enough of those boring fonts? Use this Wooden Typo for a cool look!
Try the Wooden font previewer! Replace the “ActiveDen” text with yours, try some cool settings and press the PLAY button!
You got endless possibilities with the text effects and other settings.
Every lowercase/uppercase character, all numbers and punctuations.
All characters are vector, so fully scalable.
Use uppercase characters for a nice leave effect!
With the settings you can customize:
- The text you want to get stitched
- Letter spacing
- Font scaling
- Tween animation
- Tween transition
- Tween distance
- Animation speed
- Transition speed
- Blur filter on/off
Except the Wooden Font, this item contains the following stuff:
- Text effects, to create more nice looking wooden texts.
- The preview fla/swf, so you can test all settings in a fast and easy way.
- A fun color changing background.
You can easily create wooden texts. Here is an example code:
import nl.desilum.WoodFont; var woodText:WoodFont=new WoodFont(); woodText.createWoodText("YourTXT!",5,1,"random","easeOutExpo",30,20,1, true); addChild(woodText);