DailyMotion Player – Standalone (Video Players)

This player is based on the DailyMotion API and you can use it to play a DailyMotion video (dose not have an XML playlist).

You can embed this with some embed code similar to the one used by DailyMotion or you can use SWFObject (like I did)
Through the HTML embed code you can send variables to Flash.


  • id = the DailyMotion video ID
  • title = custom title for the embedded video
  • controls_always_on = true – if you don’t want the controls to move outside
  • controls_fade_out_time = how many seconds to wait until the controls move out of the video screen
  • volume_cookie_on = true – if you want your sound volume value to be saved in a cookie and remember if for another session
  • autoplay = true or false

Download DailyMotion Player – Standalone (Video Players)

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