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V4 wishes you a Merry Christmas. We wish we could put up some of the Christmas spirit in jars and open a jar of it every
month. We tried to put this spirit in our sweet Christmas Tree Loader item, and hope to bring this
unique feeling on your website even during the site is getting loaded.
The first three-dimensional Christmas preloader composition with a soft Xmas music playing in the
background. The package includes an example of how to embed it into a HTML document. Customise your loader via a very well documented and easy to read XML without touching Flash code at all.
Set the background, count down direction, colors, music, volume, loaded content positions, snowfall and…
The music from the preview is not included in the purchased package. You can buy it here.
Visit our special collection to find some Xmas music and other clever tools for the Xmas Themes.
- Full XML driven settings:
- Counter direction 00-99 and 99-00
- Colorable shadow, counter and background
- Snow flake settings
- Music source, music volume
- Load SWF and Images
- Flying numbers
- Intelligent content loading
- Transparent, gradient background
- Unique and individual appearance
- Set scaling, position, center registration of loaded content
- Test-loader (SWF & HTML ) for better and easier customising
- Easy XML customizing, Example Code:
<!-- Background Color standard: 0x0A9DDC--> <background_color>0x0A9DDC</background_color> <!-- Text Color of Count Down text_color = middle Count Down, text_color_2 = flying numbers--> <text_color>0xCB3378</text_color> <text_color_2>0xffffff</text_color_2> <!--count down direction, up: 00-99 down: 99-00--> <countdown>up</countdown> <!-- Music source and standard volume: 0-100 (100 max volume, 0 is mute)--> <music volume="30">music/silent_night_music_box.mp3</music> <!-- Bottom Loader Symbol on/off--> <bottom_loader>off</bottom_loader> <!-- Tree Shadow Color --> <shadow_color>0xff0000</shadow_color> <!-- Snow Settings --> <snow> <flakes amount_small="100" amount_big="4" width="400" max_delay="25" /> </snow>
Thank you for your jolly good time!!