AS3 XML Elite Banner Rotator (Banner Rotators)

Welcome and Thank You for visiting AS3 XML Elite Banner Rotator

After building so many rotators for clients around the world we decided to gather all the best things a rotator can give in one single AS3 XML Banner Rotator. The best features of this rotator are simplicity, usability and smoothness. The rotators of our days are simple, clean and they always pop-up the information right to the user.

With this banner rotator we wanted to build not just another banner but a banner that can incorporate stylish design, versatility and not the least to be easy to use.

Whether you’re in a need for a new banner rotator that will enhance your project, want to showcase your images and/or your latest video or you want a new stylish way to present your portfolio than AS3 XML Elite Banner Rotator is the perfect tool.

Take a look and see for yourself! Enjoy!

FOR BUYERS : Please leave a comment and a rating. Thank you!


  • Fully re-sizable – supports any width and height values
  • HTML /CSS formatted text
  • Button list with thumbnails, text or bullets
  • Button list with auto-scroll
  • Custom slide transitions: fade, slide_left, slide_bottom or random
  • Ken Burns effect: automatic or on mouse move
  • Keep the ratio aspect of your images or re-size them to the banner size values
  • External link with target on the images: _self, _blank, _top
  • Selected effect on thumbnails, bullets and text
  • Enable or disable the slide-show
  • Video auto-start true or false
  • Supports the following media formats: JPG , PNG , GIF , SWF , FLV , MOV , MP4 , F4V , and M4V
  • Youtube streaming feature – visit for information on how to use it

Some of the images used have been purchased from, while the rest are from and are not included in the download source.
If you want them you can purchase them from the site listed above.

For questions and support please contact [email protected]

Download AS3 XML Elite Banner Rotator (Banner Rotators)

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