What can this file do? Why do I need it ?
This file is a must have for a flash page. Always wanted to know who likes your page? Always wanted a button like the facebook button? Or YouTube buttons? Use these ones!
See how many people like your site! Also, with the unique visitor counter and total visit counts, now, you can keep track of who is visiting your page!
The smallest file size ever! Each button has less than 1kb !
Installation is drag and drop, copy a folder, to your folder and your ready to get liked!
Installed a safety feature(flash cookies), that allows users to vote only once! After a user has voted, even if he refreshe the page, he cannot cheat the counter!
The unique counter only counts each unique user who accessed your page.
The total visits counter counts the total visits ( including refreshes, every visit gets counted ) of your page received.
You can even add your own values from XML ! Already have a Facebook page like number you’d like to start from? Add it from XML !
Download AS2 Like Button With Unique & Total Visitors Count (Other)