AS3 Like Button With Unique & Total Visitors Count (Other)

What can this file do? Why do I need it ?

If you ever wanted to keep track who likes or dislikes your page, this is the system for you! Using this you can also see how many unique and total visits your page received!

Instalation & Customizing

  • Installing is really easy. Drag and drop the movieclip you want to have on your file to the stage, and you are done!
  • What to customize this file? Easy! Each movieclip has 1 text field, 1 icon, and the background! Change them as you please!
  • File Features

    1. File size is less than 1KB per movieclip
    2. Installation is simple. Drag and drop!
    3. System cannot be cheated. Users may only vote once!
    4. Contains 16 like buttons, and 4 counters! Easily customizable to your own will
    5. Keep track of your unique visits. This system cannot be cheated easily!
    6. Keeps track of a small cookie, this means users with dynamic IP addresses will not count as a new visit
    7. If someone voted wrong, you can even remove that vote from an external XML file!

    What can this file do? Why do I need it ?

    If you ever wanted to keep track who likes or dislikes your page, this is the system for you! Using this you can also see how many unique and total visits your page received!

    For more questions, please read FAQ ’s HERE Don’t see your question there? Ask here and I will kindly help you with everything you need!

    Download AS3 Like Button With Unique & Total Visitors Count (Other)

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