Simple Website (Creative/Portfolio)

The code in the Simple Website is well organized to be able to
make changes easily.
For a more efficient structure I use Gaia Framework version 3.2.0.
This is absolutely free and legal to use. It is distributed under
the GPL License.
With Gaia Framework you can have a more efficient application
and well structured without having to code a lot.
It allows you to save a lot of time by structuring
the application automatically. You can get more information
about this platform here.

What you’ll find in the Simple Website 1 is:

XML Menu
XML Text Scroller
XML Gallery
PHP Contact Form


– You can edit all contents via xml.
– Ability to format text using standard HTML tags such as the
colour and size of text and also bold, italics, underline and
hyperlinks via XML file.
– Ability to use images in text via XML file.
– Nice animation.
– Font used in this project is “Trajan Pro”.
You can download it from“.

Download Simple Website (Creative/Portfolio)

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