Sudoku Solver (Puzzles & Educational)

Hey and welcome to my Sudoku Solver!

This file is everything you’ll ever need if you wish to solve a Sudoku puzzle! The file functions quite easily: simply fill in a Sudoku start state, and then press the Solve button to have the algorithm solve it.

When it is done (as far as it can) it will probably present you with a fully filled Sudoku. It might, however tell you it can’t solve it purely by logics. This usually means the start state you gave it didn’t provide enough information, and there were multiple solutions possible – the solver (both man and machine) would have to guess a number instead of being able to derive it forms logics. Then, you will be asked if you want to use a search algorithm to still obtain an answer.

The search algorithm is quite a nice piece of AI, using various heuristics to keep the search duration to a minimum. It often finds a valid solution within seconds, to even the most difficult sudoku’s!

Included in the preview are a couple example Sudoku’s, so you can see the algorithms in action!


If you are trying to costumize something, but you’re not quite succeeding, or you just want me to make a few changes for you, you can always contact me!

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Download Sudoku Solver (Puzzles & Educational)

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