City Fade Preloading (Preloaders)

An ease, peaceful city fading preloading, which gives your site’s visitors a comfortable feeling while them entered in.

Easy use and flexible adjust with xml.

XML Node Explanation

    <!--the argument for the effect-->
    <!--the generated building width limit-->
    <!--the generated building height limit-->
    <!--1:use perlin,0:not use perlin-->
<!--The words list for display,just fill the word you want show,
        no limit of the words number-->    
<words scalemax="1.6" scalemin="0.7"><!--the scale range of the word in visual-->
    <word>Company Name</word>
    <word>Your Slogan</word>
    <word>City Fade</word>
<!--the tween frames for word show-->
<!--the tween frames for the percent data show-->
<!--the dealy fade out argument-->

Easy Use Sample

//the stage’s align and scalemode setting
stage.align = StageAlign.TOP_LEFT; 
stage.scaleMode = StageScaleMode.NO_SCALE;

//do the init
var cityFadeEffect:CityFadeEffect = new CityFadeEffect();


//in the loading progress event
function progressProc(evt:ProgressEvent):void
    //update the progress number
    cityFadeEffect.loadedPercent= Math.floor(Number(evt.bytesLoaded)/Number(evt.bytesTotal)*100);
function cityFadeListener(evt:Event):void
    //fade in your main content


The author of the great preview audio which been used here is NikiN. If you are interested with it, you can go to below link to buy:


If you have problems using this city fade preloading or want to modify the code for your own specific needs, just leave a comment here let me know.

Download City Fade Preloading (Preloaders)

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