gonTracker – simple, serious HTML5 time tracking (Miscellaneous Apps)

gonTracker is an awesome cross-platform time tracker app that can:

  • track your time across multiple clients and projects
  • produce daily, weekly and monthly reports for all clients and projects, or for individual client or project.
  • run on Firefox, Chrome, Safari, iPhone and Android (and even IE in the near future)
  • work without an Internet connection, you can take it offline, record your time entries, then sync it with dropbox whenever you have an Internet connection
  • sync your data using Dropbox, so you can share the same time tracking data across your computer and mobile devices

Just watch the demo video and screenshots

If you want to use Dropbox sync feature, you’ll need a server that supports PHP 5 .2 and above.

Deploying and installing the app is very simple. Just extract the downloaded package, upload it to your server, then access the page using your devices. You can also add a shortcut to the home screen and run the app on your mobile devices as if it were a native app!

Right now, the app has the same UI for both desktop and mobile environments. In the future, I’ll make two distincts versions for desktop and mobile devices. The desktop version will have more advanced features and flexibility. Lots of new exciting features are on the way, so stay tuned!

Download gonTracker – simple, serious HTML5 time tracking (Miscellaneous Apps)

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