It is a HTML5 game.
________HOW TO PLAY__
Description: It is a word making game. Basically you make English word by clicking/pressing English alphabets
and then clicking/pressing “Submit” button to check if the word you made is correct English word.
When you find the word, you can check out the meaning in a language you selected from the start screen.
For instance, if you choose “French” as your language, then you will find the meaning of the English word you found in French.
For mobile device, the “word found” window is hidden. You can make it visible by clicking a button labeled “W” from the right side.
So, this is a learning game, where you can play and learn the meaning of any English word.
Very useful for teaching kids English.
You have 3 minutes to find as many words as possible.
1. You can use the “index.html” file provided with the source files as the container html or page for the
game. Simply copy and paste the source files in your desired web location or directory.
2. If you do not want to use the “index.html” file provided, and if you want to embed the game in an existing
web page, just put in the javascript and css links in the webpage/html file as below:
SO inside the “head” tag of the html file, after the “title” tag, add the following lines:
<link rel=”stylesheet” href=”book.css”>
<script src=”lib/easeljs-NEXT.combined.js”></script>
<script src=”lib/tweenjs-NEXT.min.js”></script>
<script src=”lib/howler.min.js”></script>
<script src=”lib/preloadjs-NEXT.min.js”></script>
<script src=”Main.js”></script>
Make sure the “Main.js” and the “book.css” is in the same directory as the html file that will contain the game.Or in the directory that you included in the script and stylesheet address.
Also make sure the “lib”,”images”,”assetu” and “sounds” folders are also in the same directory as the html file.
You can edit the “book.css” file easily with notepad.You can also edit the “Main.js” file same way.
3. To embed the game in wordpress website, make sure you have “iframe” plugins installed in your wordpress web site.
Then load the game in your www directory or web site, copy the url and paste the url inside the “iframe” tag.
[iframe src=”url address of the game”]
Source files included, in HTML5 and Javascript format.The “Main.js” file is the javascript file that contains all the game mechanism. So you can edit this file easily in notepad.
The codes are commented for your guidance.
You can easily change the graphics and sounds of this game from the attached “images” and “sounds” folder in the source files.
The game runs in all the devices that supports a web browser with HTML5.
It has local device high score system. SO the highest score is recorded.
- Easy installation. Just copy and paste the source files in you desired location. In the “index.html” file
there is links to the library files and the javascript files.
There is also a css file named “book.css”. Edit this css file to change the outline of the html5 file.
- You do not need to buy any software or anything extra to run this game.
- No programming knowledge needed to change the graphics or to reskin.
- The game screen scales to any device screen.The maximum width is 1360px and height is 700px.
- The game is responsive.
- You can edit or change the dictionary word from inside “assetu” folder. Where each alphabet is inside a separate text file.
For instance, to edit the words with alphabet “a”, just find the text file named a.txt from inside “assetu” folder.
Software used: A javascript library called the “Createjs”. It is open source and free to use. The library is included with the source files in the “lib” folder.
All rights reserved @ Anamul huq Noyen.