Introduction: –
This Software Activation System is meant for controlling the unauthorized distribution for Software Product build in VB.Net. This activation process is based on Processor ID which is unique per system so no other system will be getting the same activation key. This system is created for easily integrating in your already build project or to integrate with new project.
This System usage two different packages for securing the software project.
1. Activation Software.
2. Client Software.
Current source code uses LicenseKey.dat file for storing the activation key on client system.
Requirements: –
This Software Activation System required following system configuration to use it.
1. Visual Studio 2012+
2. .NET Framework 4.5
3. Language: VB.NET
Workflow :
a. On client software startup the system checks for the license key.dat file in installation directory. The license file location can be change from code. Instruction for changing it provided within code.
b. If the file is present then system compares the license key present in file with what it meant to be.
c. If the both conditions satisfied then software goes to the login screen otherwise direct user to the software activation screen. So, there is no way by which the end user can use software without activation key.