This is an advanced level tower defense starter kit includes a lot of great features and advanced mechanics that you can reuse in your other projects! You should have a basic understanding of how to change spritesheets if you want to reskin.
The Kit comes with and features the following:
An automatically updating level select scene.
- When you create a new level it is automatically added to the level select scene!
- That same new scene is automatically added to your build settings!
Screen Fader with Loading Screen
- Loading levels now is easy, the screen fader will automatically load your level in the background and then un-fade when it is ready to play!
ScriptableObjects as data containers!
- No need to worry about storing data, ScriptabaleObjects is here to save you!
Built-in support for Unity’s TileMap system!
- Levels are created out of tile maps what is as simple to change as using a paintbrush!
FlexibleGUI System
- The FlexibleGUI system lets you skin the GUI right from the editor!
Automatic Save System
- Worry less about saving your projects. This kit includes and AutoSave feature that saves your project every few minutes and on every run!
Automatic Builder Bar
- Shows only the turrets you want for your level!
And that’s just the Core components!
This start kit also comes with the following ready to go!
- 8 Different Turrets!
- A Money factory
- Barricades
- Bombs
- Multiple levels of tanks including an Ice and Fire tank!
- 4 Different Enemies!
- 1 Boss Enemy!
Money collectables, Different bullet types, Land Mines and so much more!
NO CODING REQUIRED!! Ready to be skinned!
This starter kit is a great way to advance your project or a great learning tool to take your skills to next level!
Stop coding so much and start creating!