Laraship Classified : Amazing Ad Listing and Classified Platform fully integrated with features (Miscellaneous)

Laraship Classifieds comes with a complete set of features to start your classifieds and ads website with minimum effort needed.

Classifieds management :

  • Location Managment: a Geo Location management integrated with google geolocation API
  • Category & Attribute Management: Multi-level categories with a different attribute set for each category to give unique details per listing type.
  • Tags Management: to Power your listing search capability
  • Product Management: at both superuser and classified listing type with two unique experiences.
  • Search Engine: Amazing Product listing page with powerful search results using Full-text search indexes.
  • Awesome Classified Theme using Bootstrap 4 (More to come ..)
  • Add Products to Wishlist “Favourite”
  • Ability to report products.
  • Send classifieds for friends.
  • User Ratings and Reviews
  • User Portfolio Page.
  • Multiple Currencies to  display product prices.
  • Social Sharing.
  • Image Gallery with Lightbox.
  • and a lot more.

Content Management :

  • Page Managment.
  • Blog with Posts, Categories, Tags.
  • SEO friendly:  titles and meta tags and meta for twitter and open graph.
  • Page Builder: edit your pages on the fly.
  • Slider Manager: includes video / image and HTML types.
  • Google Analytics Integration: visitor analytics on your dashboard.

User Management :

  • User Management.
  • Social Login: Facebook, Twitter, Google+, Github.
  • Notification Management.
  • Two Factor Authentication using Authy.
  • Profile Management: with Profile image cropper.
  • Multiple Profile Addresses: shipping, billing…
  • Access Control: including Roles and Permissions
  • Authentication Management : Login / Register / Forgot Password.

Website Manager :

  • Menu Builder: Manage dashboard and website menus
  • Setting Management: handle different settings like single value, array, files, numeric…
  • Activity log : monitors user activities and handle exceptions.
  • File Manager: manage your files and embed them easily to HTML editors.
  • Awesome Dashboard: with System overview analytics.
  • Widgets: snippets to be included easily.
  • Communication Manager : Manage Email Templates.
  • Cache Manager  Boost Performance.

Features :

  • Latest Version of Laravel with Laravel 5.5  & Bootstrap 4
  • Automatic Remote updates for Modules.
  • Theme Management.
  • Custom Fields: Add Additional Fields to Models using Custom Fields Manager
  • Actions and Filters Hooks for ease of customization
  • Encrypted URLs, SSL tested to ensure security
  • AdminLTE theme for the dashboard and additional frontend theme.
  • RTL supported themes with localization ready, Arabic & Portugess available
  • Responsive and tested on all modern browsers.
  • Modular structure for scalability and maintainability.
  • Periodic updates and additional features.
  • Incredible support team.
  • Available for Freelance and customizations.
  • Detailed documentation.
  • Widgets & Shortcodes for easy embedding.
  • Multiple Currencies.


Official Website

Demo URL


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v1.0 – 07/18/2018

Initial release :)


Download Laraship Classified : Amazing Ad Listing and Classified Platform fully integrated with features (Miscellaneous)

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