Why are passwords so important?
Passwords ensure the security and confidentiality of data that is stored on various workstations and servers across campus.
It is your responsibility as a user, to make sure that all your account passwords are as difficult to guess as possible.
? Passwords are case-sensitive and may contain as many as 127 characters. A strong password.
? Does not contain the user name.
? Is at least six characters long.
? Contains characters from three of the following four groups:
Description Examples
Lowercase letters a, b, c,…
Uppercase letters A, B, C,…
Numerals 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 Symbols (all characters not defined ` ~ ! @ # $ % ^ & * ( ) _ + – as letters or numerals) ={ } | [ ] \ : ” ; ’ < > ? , . /
Key Features
1. Responsive Design.
2. Generate 10 Password on one click.
3. Easy to copy.
4. Strong password.
5. Multiple options for generating password like Uparcase, Lowercase, 0-9, Special Symbols.
6. Well Coded, Commented Easy to expand.
7. Master Password Generator and Client Password Generator.
8. Client Password Generator have some pattern.
Demo URL: http://greesys.com/demo/advanced_password_generator/