Contact Form 7 – Pipedrive CRM – Integration (Forms)

Contact Form 7 Pipedrive CRM Integration is a Pipedrive CRM integration plugin for WordPress that makes it really simple to send your Contact Form 7 forms directly to your Pipedrive CRM account. After the integration, all contacts that fill in the form are automatically added as deal or person & organization to the specified account in Pipedrive CRM, together with additional data.


  • Integrate your `Contact Form 7` forms with Pipedrive CRM.
  • You can choice that your want to generate – deal or person & organization.
  • When creating a deal, a person and an organization are created and connected to it.
  • Fields are loaded from the CRM (including custom fields).
  • You can set up each form personally, specify which information your want to get.
  • Compatible with `Contact Form 7 Multi-Step Forms`. (when configuring, you need to fill in the fields with all the steps in the last form).
  • Integrate unlimited `Contact Form 7` forms.
  • Image previews.
  • Super easy to set-up!

Important notes:

  • The plugin requires a minimum 5.4 PHP version.
== Changelog ==

= 1.0.0 =
Initial public release

Download Contact Form 7 – Pipedrive CRM – Integration (Forms)

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