Codeigniter Simple User Manager (Material Design) (Project Management Tools)


This is a simple user management system that can be a starting point for a
web app development or can be integrated with and existing codeigniter project
based on Codeigniter version 3.1 and hmvc (hierarchical model view controller).

Features include:-

  • Based on codeigniter’s HMVC hence easy to extend.
  • Easy to install. Has an inbuilt installer.
  • Responsive material design
  • Has a user manager which one can add, edit, delete, search, change user levels, change user groups and deactivate/activate user accounts
  • Easy to use and has a nicely designed user interface
  • Settings to activate/deactivate some features
  • Password recovery
  • User registration system
  • System validations
  • Disable/Enable entire user groups
  • Disable/Enable entire user levels

Demo Credentials

Admin Username: [email protected]
Admin Password: password

The above accounts shouldn’t be edited. All data entered will be removed in a day or two.


Support and Documentation

Please drop us a line on [email protected] with any questions you may have, full documentation is included with the program to help you with your projects.

Download Codeigniter Simple User Manager (Material Design) (Project Management Tools)

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