Youtube Video Player iOS (Audio/Video)


The app allows to watch Youtube videos. App offers sort option by category and country, also a search by keyword option, so you can search, play any video from youtube.

App template uses the last version of Youtube API V3.


  • Can play video and navigate throw app at the same time;
  • Integrated AdMob framework (banner Ads);
  • Play any youtube video in background while user could use other apps;
  • Smart Video player, detects when user rotate device;
  • This app supports last version of iOS 10 and iPhone7/iPhone7+;
How to reskin
  • STEP 1: Replace all necessary images from project image asset bundle;
  • STEP 2: Change app bundle name and set team id of your developer account;
  • STEP 3: Open “Config.h” file and change APIKey for Youtube API and AdMob keys;
  • STEP 4: Run and make sure that all works good, and then publish to app store.

For more details or any issues please contact support or have a look in the attached documentation file.


  • iOS 8.0+
  • XCode 8.0+
  • Objective-C
  • Cocoapods

If a video is not available for a specific country or if the video is not enabled for a mobile or the video has adult content in some cases it can not be visible using this source code. This app template is sold as it is, the author is not responsible of how you may use the code or about behavior of the app on any changes which come from Youtube API or Apple iOS or any other parties that could affect a good working of the project. If you have any issues/questions please contact support.

Thank You!

Download Youtube Video Player iOS (Audio/Video)

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