WordPress WooCommerce Quote System Plugin (WooCommerce)

WordPress WooCommerce Quote System Plugin

The plugin WordPress WooCommerce Quote System provides the functionality to the store owner or the admin to allow the customer to quote their products. The admin can enable the quote system for their products. After that, a customer can send quotation request of the products to the admin.

This plugin is very useful to order the products in bulk from the store. Using this plugin a customer can also communicate with the admin for their queries.


Features Of WordPress WooCommerce Quote System Plugin


  • The admin can enable the quote system for their products.
  • The admin can provide minimum expiry days for a quotation.
  • The customer can enter custom prices for quotes products.
  • The customer can upload files and images at the time of product quote.
  • The customer can order products in bulk from the store.
  • The customer can view the bulk orders, price and the status of the particular product.
  • The customer can communicate with the store owner about their queries.
  • The admin can change the status of customer quote.

Demo Links

A full functional demonstration of the product can be experienced even before a purchase :grin:


"Initial release v 1.0.0"

Download WordPress WooCommerce Quote System Plugin (WooCommerce)

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