jQuery Ken Burns Slideshowis the perfect way to showcase your pictures/ads in style. Each item has a separate slideshow time and you can edit their link, target and many other individual settings just by modifying the HTML .
Possible panning positions ( initial and final )
- supports .PNGs, .JPGs, .GIFs
- supports unlimited items – rotate as many pictures as you wish
- slideshow mode – with independent time for each item that you can define in the HTML provided
- values you can set up for each item – description (the description from the top), initialZoom(any value you wish), finalZoom, slideshowTime ( the time the banner rotator stays focused on the specific item ), burn effect time ( the time you wish the effect to take ), url (if no url is set the item will just be a image with no link on click ), transitionType(easeInSine,linear etc.) , initialposition, final position (choose from topleft,topcenter,topright,middleleft,middlecenter,middleright,bottomleft,bottomcenter,bottomright )
- resizable to your preferred size – all contents will position proper