Password Generator C#.NET class library (Miscellaneous)

Class library made with C#.NET Framework 4.5 that helps in the generation of passwords in a simple and fast way.
It allows automatic generation of passwords with a length of 8 characters; Or else with the length of characters you require. Finally, it allows the generation of passwords with the following parameters:
– Character Length
– Uppercase Character Percent
– Symbol Percent
– Number Percent

You can also modify the default character set from the web.Config:

<add key=”PassCharacters” value=”abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz” />
<add key=”PassNumbers” value=”0123456789” />
<add key=”PassSymbols” value=”%$#@+-=” />

It is a great tool that you can not miss in the infrastructure of your .NET project.

Download Password Generator C#.NET class library (Miscellaneous)

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