MoneyGram – PrestaShop module (Prestashop)


This module gives you the option to receive / make payments for goods via MoneyGram. Using this module you can make purchases from any part of the world, if there is no possibility to make electronic payment.

The benefits for Merchants

– Your potential client will be able to buy products via MoneyGram Payment. This increases the range of your store and bring new clients to it.
– There is a special section in Administration panel, that contains all the statistics of purchases via MoneyGram. In this section can be seen all the orders paid by MoneyGram and an apart list with transaction keys from customers, that finalized the transfers.
– There is a possibility to set several accounts for beneficiaries of transfers via MoneyGram;
– Possibility to activate / deactivate unnecessary parameters for each beneficiary account;
– To set a special email to receive messages for administrator;
– As soon as customer introduces transaction key for his order, administrator will receive an email with full description of the transfer and order, for which the transfer was made.


– Client will get an email with necessary data for transfer. It will help him to facilitate the process of payment, also it will remind him about the order, which he has made.
– Via a link in the email client can easily access his orders list and introduce MoneyGram transaction key for a specific order.
– There is a special section in user’s profile with all MoneyGram Orders, where he can introduce information about his transaction via MoneyGram.
– Client can choose a specific beneficiary and currency of the payment for MoneyGram transfer;
– When choosing type of payment and receiving data about beneficiary, in one click client is able to print data about the order and beneficiary, using this information in bank to make the transfer.

Benefits for customers

Nowadays there is a brilliant solution for situation when electronic payment cannot be made, for example, some countries do not support payments via bank cards. The solution is – transfer via MoneyGram and our module helps to speed up this process.


Regular installation. In order to install this module, click first on “Add new module” at modules tab on the back office. You will find it in the right upper corner. After that, click on “Upload file” and select the packaged file you have downloaded from Addons Prestashop. When your module appears in modules list ?lick on “Install” next.


We recommend to install this module for those customers, who aren’t able to make electronic payments via your website.


FrontEnd Demo
Admin Demo
Username: [email protected]
Password: demodemo

Download MoneyGram – PrestaShop module (Prestashop)

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