Custom Registration+Checkout Fields Manager Magento Extension (Magento Extensions)

You may have already noticed how difficult to create custom fields on customer registration form or checkout form in a magento store. With this solution keeping in mind we have launched “Custom Fields Magento extension”. So by using this extension you can easily create custom fields from admin and can display them on customer “registration form, checkout as a guest form and checkout with Register page” on your magento store.

By use this extension Admin can collect important data from customers by adding custom fields in Magento checkout page.
Custom fields can be added on various places on the checkout form and the admin user can configure settings from the back-end like making fields mandatory or optional, pre build validation rule, order of custom fields depending on the his requirements. All the data submitted can be accessed from the back-end.

Showing Fields on:

  • Admin under “Account Information”.
  • Registration Form.
  • Edit Customer Account page.
  • Guest/Register Checkout Form.

Note: This extension support for standard onepage checkout, not for a third party onestep checkout.

Supports input types are:

  • – Text Field
  • – Text Area
  • – Date
  • – Yes/No
  • – Multiple select
  • – Dropdown
  • – Checkboxes
  • – Radios
  • – Label

General Features

  • Easy installation
  • 100% open source
  • Meets Magento programming practices

Extension Features

  1. Allow to create custom field on “Registration” page.
  2. Allow to create custom field on “Checkout Register/Guest” page.
  3. Admin can view and edit data that is entered into custom field by customer.
  4. Data from custom fields is displayed in the customer’s accounts.
  5. It Provided multiple input types i.e. Multiple Select, Checkbox, Dropdown menu, Yes/No, Text Field, Text Area, Date with calender option, or Radio Button.


System Requirements

Magento version 1.4.x or higher
PHP version 5.2.0 or higher

Installation through Magento Connect

With these steps you will be able to install the Magento Extension in your website.

Extract the .tzg file from the zip file you have downloaded.

Disable all caches under “System > Cache Management” and make sure Magento Compilation is disabled under “System > Tools > Compilation”. This is necessary to avoid any caching problems after the installation of an extension.

Log into your Magento Connect Manager with your admin credentials.

Select the .tzg file you have extracted in step one in the browse field under the option “Direct package file upload” as shown below and then click the upload button.

Wait until the upload and installation process is finished and click the refresh button below the command line textarea afterwards.
Go the where is the URL where your Magento installation is located. If you are already logged in to the back-end please log out and login again as this will prevent you from getting a 404 error on the extension pages due to permissions that have not been set for the logged in user. After logging in you can enable your cache settings under “System > Cache Management” and if used enable Magento Compilation under “System > Tools > Compilation”. The installation is now completed. You can view the extension in menu “Vivacity Extension-> Latest Tweets Pro”.


Please logout and login back after installation of Extension, sometime Magento Cache having some issue.

Magento Versions Compatibility

Our Magento Extension is compatible with Magento CE:
1.5.x, 1.6.x, 1.7.x, 1.8.x, 1.9.x


Download Custom Registration+Checkout Fields Manager Magento Extension (Magento Extensions)

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