SocEuro Social Network Engine
- Registration
is a Social Network Platform is the best way to create your own social website or online community. Launch it in just 1 minute with ultimate features.
Demo : Demo Website
you can feel free to make a own profile to test all features of SocEuro
List of features…
- Login And Sign Up easy (Now is fast)
- Fast Ajax Based registration (make profile only with 4 steps)
- Fast Login (cache based login only with your password our system know your email)
- Password Reset (if you don’t know you password dont’t wory reset it now)
- Upload photo and cover easy with one click
- Friends Section (your friends)
- Photos Section (your latest uploaded photos)
- Groups Section (in how much group you are)
- Profile Informatiom (when you are born , how old are you etc…
- Wall and News (Of course we do not miss it to add a powerful wall for your social network you can expand more than 70 url’s any of which “Youtube”, “VIMEO” , “INSTAGRAM” , “SOUNDCLOUD” etc..
- Profile Settings (update your profile)
- Groups Settings (manage groups settings)
- Change Profile name (you can change aways your name)
- Change profile password (change your password if you want new)
- Change Profile email (change your email if you use new)
- Black List (add members to black list if you not want they to view your profile
- Delete your profile forever (our system will delete all your history , images , files and etc.. don’t wory we are not information collectors
- Closed Profile (Great function yes ? with this function you can be calm from intruders)
- Great Grid based design of our news feed comfort is important
- Follow the news of groups , friends and much more
- Group Request (you will get invites from group in this section)
- Friends Request (The peoples who wants to be your friends will give you a friend request you can view it on the Friends Requests)
- Likes ( you will get notification when someone like your post , photo , video etc..
- Shares (you will get notification when someone share your post to his wall)
- Dislikes (you will get notification when someone dislike your post , photo , video etc…
- Ajax based music player (when you browse on the website the music will not stop)
- SoundCloud API – (60 bilions of songs just search it and the songs will come)
- Playlist (collect your favorite songs and play it fast when you want)
- Guests (with this function you can view all users who have visited your profile)
- Enable/Disable (you can easy enable or disable this function if you don’t like it
- My Games (the games when you have played)
- Popular Games (most played games in the network)
- Great Game slider (powerful games presentation slider shows the newest games added)
- Like (like photos of participants in dating section)
- Wink (Wink to your future love)
- Ask questions (you can ask Anonym questions)
- Anonym Stories (here you can share your story completely anonymous)
- This feature allows you to check who is online in the network
- Top – 50 function (here you will see the top 50 members in the website based on raiting system)
- #Hashtags (Incredible #hashtags search engine ajax based just enter a word and you will get information of it if exits )
- Ajax based search engine allows you to search members and groups (you can filter the search engine with function “members online , male , famale,etc…)
- Send images (our chat provide you a possibility to send images to your friends using the chat)
- Draw images (our chat provide you a possibility to draw images and to send it to your friends using the chat)
- Chat Search (search fast your friends using the chat search and connect with him
- Chat History (here you can view all chat’s history)
- Delete chat (you can fully remove conversation)
- Draggable (move your chat and paste it wherever you want)
- Resize your chat (make your chat big or small everything is a matter of taste)
- Sticker Store (our sticker store is very completed add or remove stickers from our stickers store)
- Attach photos (share photos with friends)
- Share links (Share links with friends
- Attach post (attach you inportant post of the top of your wall)
- Like (like your friends of yourself posts)
- Dislike (dislike your friends of yourself posts)
- Powerful expand url system (you can expand more than 70 url’s any of which “Youtube”, “VIMEO” , “INSTAGRAM” , “SOUNDCLOUD” etc..)
- Delete posts (you can remove stories from your wall if you not like it)
- Pop up wall (like a twitter or vk )
- Upload videos
- Like and comment videos
- Video feed
- Video Album
- Groups (create groups and promote your brand)
- Groups settings (manage your group settings like the profile settings)
- Post stories on the group wall (wall for the groups here you can share with your followers stories)
- Group Photos (you can upload in your group photos )
- Moderators (add or remove moderators from your group)
- Invite friends (here you can invite friends to be followers to your group)
- Create event (you can create event from the system calendar
- Invite friend (invite friends to your event)
- Manage everything written above in one place easily and quickly