Fly or Don’t Fly (Games)


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Fly or Don’t Fly

Fly or Don’t Fly is an android mobile game inspired by ages old popular childhood game.
The base concept of the game remains the same, if the object flies, press “fly” button and if it doesn’t then press “dont fly” button.

But wait, its not just as simple, the game has very interesting five levels, and with each level, the curiosity to play becomes more intense.

The game also features one quick play mode, as well as two difficulty levels: easy and hard.

Application Features

– Very Easy to reskin
– Google Leaderboard
– No extra code is required
– High quality user interface
– Supports Android 2.3 & Up
– Step-By-Step Documentation Included
– Admob Enabled

Support Notes

Due to the heavy load on the work, support and comments are treated twice a day. Right now we receive many emails and requests for support than we can manage quickly. Many times we can answer the same day but others take much longer.
Before you send a request for support please read the entries below:
– Support from Envato authors is optional but we will do our best to help.
– Support doesn’t mean customization.
– Read the full documentation file.
– Check if your question is not already in the Item Discussion section.
– We do not give support for third party code in this case you need contact the authors.
– We do not support errors caused by strong modification to the original files.
– We do customization but this is not included in the package price. To get a quote for a modification you can send an email using the form in the right sidebar.
– We can’t teach how to code in Java or any other language.
– We can’t give refunds, if you want a refund please contact Envato directly.
– If you have a general question you can use and asking your question in the Item Discussion section.
– Our time zone is (currently) GMT – 4:00, so please keep in mind our timezone might be different from yours.
You can read more about item support on the Envato wiki Thanks for reading.

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