CitiesDirectory (Let’s Build Directory App) (Full Applications)

Release Note

Version : 1.0.0
Released Date : 13 Sep 2015
Android Application Features
1) Material Design with Google Design Support Library
2) Directory App For Single City Or Multiple Cities
3) Responsive For Phone and Tablet
4) Cities List
5) Categories grid from Selected City
6) Items grid from Selected Category and Sub Category
7) Item Detail Information
8 ) Gallery Images
9) Like, Favourite, Rating for Item
10) Item Review Message
11) Item Inquiry Message
12) User login and forgot password
13) New user registration
14) User Profile Management
15) Change Password
16) Search by Keyword
17) User’s favourite item list
18) Push Notification
19) Explore On Map
20) Search by user location based

Backend Features
1) Super Admin can manage for all cities
2) City Registration For Public User
3) Collect city registration fee using Paypal
4) Enable/Disable for Paypal Payment
5) City Creation
6) Categories, Sub Categories and Items Creation
7) News Feed Management
8 ) Manage for User Feedback data such as like, rating, favourite
9) Manage for inquiry and review message
10) Send Push Notification to register device
11) Data Analytics with Google Chart API
12) Easy to change another language from language config file

APIs Integration
– Using RestFul API with JSON to transfer data in between Mobile App and Backend


Q) Will work with Eclipse?
A) because this application is using gradle and Android Studio.

Q) Is it complied with Material Design?

Q) What kind of Android versions are backward compatibility?
A)Yes, App is not only support for latest Android5 but also will work with Android 3 and Android 4 as backward compatibility.

Q) How is Push Notification?
A)Yes, there is push notification feature using GCM. User can register their device token from App then Super Admin User could send Push Message from Backend to all those registered devices.

Q) It is included Backend & API as together?
A)Yes, you can manage all content from Backend and then RESTFul API will transfer data in between App and Backend.

Q) Do I need to know programming to modify the app?
A)Yes especially Android Java and CodeIgniter.

Q) Will you do online/remote support at user working environment?
A)No, you may need to setup yourself for your working environment.

All those features are ready to start and good enough for your full application development and customization.
If you want to know more about it, please drop message to [email protected]

Found Any Bugs? No worry at all. Please report to [email protected] Appreciates it.

After you bought, don’t forgot to review and rating!

Images Credit : Randomly pickup some images from Google Search and Flicker.

Download CitiesDirectory (Let’s Build Directory App) (Full Applications)

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